Meet Gabe and Jaida

Gabe and Jaida switched to online private school to stay healthy during the pandemic and chose K12 because the teachers are specially trained for virtual instruction. Now, their whole family enjoys the extra flexibility to fit more sports, extracurriculars, and time together into their schedule.

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Why This Family Chose K12

Kevona and Jesse, Gabe and Jaida’s parents, wanted an at-home school option during the pandemic especially considering asthma complications. Having been a private education family, they chose a K12-powered private school for the benefit of added flexibility; plus, all the teachers are trained in virtual instruction.

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Find unmatched flexibility

Private school offers even more flexibility so the kids can participate in sports and Jaida can run her business after schoolwork is done.

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Put health first

School from home kept Gabe healthy during the pandemic, the teachers support Jaida with her ADHD, and they can prioritize their mental health.

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Spend more family time

The flexibility of online private school allows the whole family more time to spend together, whether that’s ice skating or another family fitness activity.

Private School Offers Even More Flexibility

One of the benefits of K12-powered private schools is an even higher level of flexibility for students and families. Jaida and Gabe can start work early in the day to leave time for afternoon fitness or can work late if something else takes up their morning. That added leeway for meeting assignment deadlines removes some of the anxiety they had in traditional school.

The flexibility is great for parents too. Kevona and Jesse don’t have to worry about traveling to and from school and can easily fit medical appointments and sports into their schedule.

Flexible Schedule With Live Class Anchors

Schoolwork for Jaida and Gabe is a mix of scheduled, live classes called Class Connects, self-guided assignments they can complete at their own pace, and career-pathway-specific activities like marketing.

A benefit of schools powered by K12 is that the educational materials—a computer, textbooks, supplies for offline activities, and more—are provided.

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The number of classes students take varies per grade level and individual. For example, students in 6th grade, like Gabe, typically take between 5–6 subjects each semester, with maybe 2–4 scheduled, live classes. High school students like Jaida, typically take 3–6 subjects each semester, with 2–3 scheduled, live classes.

In addition to core academic subjects, there’s a great selection of career-related electives, including the business pathway courses Jaida enjoys.

The Parent Experience as a Learning Coach

At K12-powered schools, parents (or other responsible adults) act as Learning Coaches for their students. Certified teachers lead class instruction and Learning Coaches typically spend 1 to 3 hours each day with middle and high school students, providing guidance and oversight. Jaida and Gabe work pretty independently, but their mom and Learning Coach Kevona is nearby if they need help. 

Career Prep and Entrepreneurship

Jaida is in the entrepreneurship pathway at her online school and is learning how to better manage her small business as a makeup artist. She’s taking classes in marketing, digital photography, and more.

The school also offers career exploration for middle school students like Gabe, so he’s already doing job shadowing and thinking about where he may want to attend college.

Time away from the computer looks like …

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Family Q&A

Kevona: Initially, we switched during the pandemic because of how the schools were handling things or unsure how they’d proceed. It was important that Gabe could stay home with his asthma.

Jesse: Our kids started out in a private brick-and-mortar preschool, and we decided to keep on the private education track since we weren’t too happy with the public school curriculum. So, switching to an online private school option during the pandemic made sense for our family.

Gabe: No homework! I get all my work done during the day, so when I’m done, I’m done. I like the K12 Zone, too, and the other clubs I’m in.

Jesse: It teaches the kids more independence, and I think that’s great.

Jaida: I feel more supported and respected when it comes to my ADHD, and that helps me learn better. Plus, it’s really flexible, and that helps with my busy schedule in general.

Kevona: The first few weeks were challenging as we all got used to the new online platforms. There’s a little bit of a learning curve. At the time, Gabe had one for elementary school, and Jaida had a different one for middle school. Once we learned how things worked, how to navigate the system and courses, the assignment dates, it was pretty easy.

Jesse: After that learning period, it’s been smooth sailing. Once the kids got the hang of their class schedule and how the assignments worked, they realized how much flexibility there really is with this set-up. They can have some leeway on which subjects to tackle first in their day or if they want to do a class via a recording or live with their teacher at a certain time.

Jesse: The teachers are great; I’ve never seen a boring teacher at this school, and we really like that all the teachers with K12 get special training on how to teach online.

Jaida: My teachers are really understanding when it comes to my ADHD, and they help me work through that. They’re super open to helping you through calls or emails.

Gabe: I’m in Minecraft club, Podcast club, and there’s a school social hour I like to go to. I like the new K12 Zone too.

Jesse: Jaida has friends from her old school she goes to basketball or volleyball games with. Gabe has soccer and basketball buddies. They both stay well connected to friends and the community even with the switch to an online program.

Jaida: My friends from online school and I get to connect through live videos and discussion boards. Some of them I’ve been able to meet in person through activities like the STEM camp I did last summer. We stayed at this university and got to learn about air and space science. It was amazing to learn all that and it was a great group, I’m still in touch with all those students.

Kevona: Absolutely! I often tell Jaida that how she does school now is how I have to manage my days. You have to think through your schedule, your commitments, your deadlines, how flexible something may be. She’s learning time management and prioritization.

Kevona: I had heard about K12 from our doctor when he recommended Gabe stay home from school during the pandemic for health reasons. I didn’t realize there was a private school side, though, until I did more research.

Gabe: Sometimes I forget how much K12 has to offer, even though it’s a virtual program. Like the career exploration stuff, where I get to hear about people’s different jobs, or the K12 Zone where I can hang out with my friends. We didn’t have that in my old school.

Jesse: I didn’t realize how diverse the school community was. At the online private school our kids attend, there are kids from all over the place, it’s really a global community.

Jaida: I was surprised not to have homework. We get all the work done as part of the regular school day, so after school, I’m more free to go about my other activities, like ice skating or clients.

Jesse: With K12, the teachers are specifically taught how to teach online, and they’re amazing. That was a huge green flag because we had seen some other types of virtual learning during the pandemic where that wasn’t the case (no fault of the teachers just a tough situation).

Kevona: Do the research and find the program that is right for your child. That could be the tuition-free public school option, a private school option like we use (where we do pay tuition), or even the career prep add-ons. The K12 programs are awesome so just pick the one that’s best for your child.

Jesse: I’d say check out all the different options K12 has to offer. In general, though, I’d say look for the people who are professionals in teaching online vs. those who are told to teach online, there’s a big difference.

Jaida: It may seem weird at first, but you get used to it pretty quick. Just stay on top of your assignments, and you’ll be all right.

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Learning With K12

From kindergarten to high school, K12 provides tuition-free online education that empowers students to learn in ways that work for them. Browse options in your state to find the perfect fit for your family.

These are the stories of real students attending K12-powered schools and their families. Content is a combination of direct quotes and summaries from interviews. Their stories each reflect their experiences at their respective schools. Actual experiences can vary by student and school. These pages are designed to reflect a typical day in the life of a student attending an online K12-powered school. Individual class schedules and requirements will vary by state, school, and the individual needs of each student. Course materials vary, and certain schools may not provide computers or may have specific requirements for providing equipment.