K12 Success Stories
Succeed with online learning through K12-powered schools.
Over 3 million students* have chosen online learning through a K12-powered school. Families choose online learning for a variety of reasons. With K12-powered schools, students benefit from:
- State-certified teachers who use a tailored approach that works for diverse learners
- Social opportunities for students through clubs and other extracurriculars*
- A dynamic curriculum that offers a range of courses in core subjects, electives, and career-focused options
- The chance for parents to be involved in their student’s education journey as the Learning Coach
Start your student’s virtual education journey with a K12-powered school today!
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Frequently Asked Questions
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*K12 has served more than 3M registered learners through its managed public schools, private schools, and Learning Solutions. This information is directly from the Stride User Dashboard, which meticulously tracks registrations for every Stride product and service.