Individualized Education Programs

K12-powered schools align your child’s individualized education program (IEP) with their online learning journey.

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Teaching tailored to student needs

From kindergarten to high school, students with differing needs across all grade levels are given the flexibility and support they need to thrive.

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Flexible, mastery-based learning

Students attend live classes from home and complete assignments at their own pace. This makes it easy to provide them the accommodations and personalization they need.

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State-certified teachers and qualified paraprofessionals

Teachers and paraprofessionals at K12-powered schools are passionate about student success. Communicate with them regularly to gain insight into your student’s progress and find the best ways to offer support.

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Exciting clubs and extracurriculars

Through online clubs, regional extracurriculars, and special events like prom and graduation, your child gains essential social skills. Watch them make lifelong friends and priceless memories in online school.

How IEP’s Work with K12

K12-powered schools provide the support, accommodations, and modifications your child needs — as specified by their IEP.


Who qualifies for an IEP?

If your student has a documented disability, they may qualify for an IEP under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Your school can provide an evaluation to determine if your child meets the criteria.


A better way to learn

Away from the distractions of traditional classrooms, your student can focus on learning. You or another adult will serve as their Learning Coach, keeping them motivated and on track.


Meeting students at every stage

Special education services at K12-powered schools offer a blend of on- and off-screen learning, plus adaptive curriculum that meets students at their level.

A Day in the Life of a K12 Student

Discover how these students and their Learning Coaches benefit from extra flexibility and support at K12-powered schools.

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4th Grade


Zoe meets big milestones in reading, writing, and math with speech and occupational support for her autism and ADHD.

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5th Grade


Cash got access to advanced courses, as well as dyslexia and dysgraphia therapies when he switched from homeschool to online school.


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6th Grade


Connor learns best when he can take breaks, move around, and use his fidgets to focus while finishing assignments at his own pace. 


Learning Coach Resources

Help your student thrive with expert insights from teachers, educational specialists, and the K12 team.

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Supporting students on the autism spectrum

Discover common myths about neurodivergent students and tips to help them thrive.

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Social and emotional learning tips

Help your student manage their emotions, form positive relationships with others, and achieve their goals.

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Learning style questionnaire

What’s your student’s learning style? Discover how they learn best — and explore ways to retain knowledge more effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

Time outside of scheduled online classes is flexible. Students are expected to complete their daily courses and goals, but can spend more time on particular subjects as needed. Many K12-powered schools offer small group instruction for students who are struggling. Other services and accommodations may be available depending on your student’s needs and the programs offered in your state.

K12 powers online school options for students with special needs across all grade levels. There are special education elementary school services, middle school special education options, and online high schools with programs for students with special needs.

Yes, private schools offer services for students with special needs. Offerings vary by school and state.

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I’m ready to enroll

Simply create a Parent Portal account or log in to your existing account to begin the enrollment process.